Saturday, April 11, 2009

**Jelly Bean Bracelets**

Today after our church Easter Egg Hunt I wanted to try this fun project with the kids. All you need is jelly beans, stretch cord, and a small dull knitting needle. All of it probably cost me less than $5.00!
Poke a hole in the jelly bean and than flip it over and push it totally through. It was a very sticky and long process, but the kids had a lot of fun. My suggestions would be to keep cleaning your needle, your hands, and the ends of the cord to help string it better. My jelly beans did keep cracking but they stayed on the cord with no problems. If anyone has any suggestions to keep them from breaking and cracking let me know. I found the idea done with other fun colors such as browns and pinks like the ones you get from bins at your local grocery store. Make them to cordinate with any outfit and enjoy eating them afterwards - LOL!:)

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